Children and play
This unit focuses on the importance of play in Children development. In this assignment you will learn about the stages and types of play and how you can provide appropriate activities to support development through play. Also how to provide children with challenges and risk in a safe environment were the role of the adult is encouraging exploration and investigation.
D1. Three different settings were children might play are local park, garden, day nurseries.
D2. The typical age range for children to play in a local park is from 3-6 years. Children at the lower end of the age range are likely to be at the associative play stage this is when two or more children actively interact with one another.
Whereas usually the age range for children to play in a garden is from 2-4 years. Children at the lower end of the age range will likely to be at parallel play, this is when children play along-side each other but quite separately without communicating with one another.
However, the age range for children to play in a day nursery is from 6months onwards. Children will at this age range will likely to be solitary play, this is play that is undertaken alone or sometimes can be through choice were at other times the child may find it difficult to join in, or because of their development stage.
D3+D4. A type of play that may take place at the local park is fantasy play. This is when children pretend to play a role that has not happened yet. An example of fantasy play in the local park may occur when a child is on a play ship and the child is pretending to be a pirate, turning the ships wheel.
Superhero play is a type of play that may take place in the garden. This is when children advertise a role from the television. An example for super hero play in the garden may be a child acting out to be bat man, superman spider man or even cat woman.
One of the types of play that may take place in a day nursery is domestic/pretend