Contents Introduction 2 Task 1 3 1.1 Definition of database management system 3 1.2 5 Advantages of database management system 3 1.3 3 Business functions database management system could do 3 1.4 5 database management system packages 3 1.5 10 Factors when choosing a database management system 3 Task 2 5 2.1 Create a database if it does not yet exist 5 2.2 Show if the database has been created 5 2.3 Use a specific database 5 2.4 Delete a database 5 2.5 Create a table with columns 5 2.6 Insert information into a table 5 2.7 Extract certain information from a table 6 Task 3 7 3.1 The eight stages of the database design process 7 Conclusion 9 Reference List 10
A database is a group of information that is stored in a computerised way for easy access, organization and reupdating http://searchsqlserver.techtarget.com/definition/database (2013). Databases can be used in many different ways and in many different companies. In this assignment we see how a database can fit into a law firm.
Task 1
1.1 Definition of database management system
Software that allows a computer to perform database functions of storing, retrieving, adding, deleting and modifying data (Mike Chappel, 2012).
1.2 5 Advantages of database management system 1. Minimized data inconsistency – In a properly designed database, the chance of finding inconsistency within the data becomes very slim. 2. Less redundancy – Inside the database, the data is only recorded in one part of the database. This reduces the amount of redundancies (or copies) of the data as well as save storage space http://navdeep19.blogspot.com/2012/04/advantages-and-disadvantages-of.html (2012).
3. Backup and Recovery Procedures – The data is backed up