List of Tables Table 1: Entity course 2 Table 2: Entity Lecturer 2 Table 3: Entity Room 2 Table 4: Entity subject 2 Table 5: Entity subject_timetable 2
1. Introduction
The project aims to make an online university timetable which provides facilities to teachers and student to check out the classes that are going on presently. The purpose of creating a database is to keep track of class schedules and location. As current work is all paper based, an approach towards automation is being made to reduce human efforts by preventing them to look for a particular class in an index.
The purpose of database on the whole is to: * Maintain daily time table such as information related to class schedule. * Provide information about teacher, room number and subject being taught
Interface and database on a back end that are being used can provide a greater scope and opportunities for students and teachers to look for their room number rather than contacting Admin Dept. to ask for the room number.
Technologies to be used
Initially, our