GeRard ryan relational database assignment
GeRard ryan relational database assignment
Contents Introduction - 2 - Description of Assignment - 2 - Problems & Solutions - 4 - Normalisation - 5 - Data dictionary - 0 - Relationships between each Table - 5 - Database Tables - 6 -
Description of Assignment
The company I have decided to base this assignment on is a fictional one that is a DVD/ Games rental outlet. They rent and sell DVD’s and games both old and the new company is a small business and employees two full-time and two part-time staff. The company orders its supplies from local and international suppliers so they need to keep records on file. At present they store these files in a filing cabinet, this causes many problems with the records and many files are either lost or damaged. The use of a relationship database will save the company a lot of paper work, the other advantages of using a database are that you can access the information with a simple query. It can provide valuable information by looking at database records and how data has changed over time, you can also track important trends, such as which product is most popular with your customers, which can make your business more competitive.They areinexpensive and smaller businesses find them to be a good way of cutting costs without cutting quality, converting from paper files to a database system can be difficult and requires a good level of knowledge of the system before attempting to transfer any files to a database.
Planning of Assignment
To create the database I will first have to create a plan of how many tables to put into it e.g. a staff table, staff roster, Product table, Order Table, Rental Table, and Supplier Table. In laying out the plan for this assignment I had to decide what tables would have a