Lessons are often taught by our children, and my daughter Macie is teaching me about perseverance because she is restless. Macie will stop at nothing when she knows what she wants. Countless times I have felt like she was a hound dog nipping at my heels. Yes, I have thought of my daughter as a pest considering she can go on and on about the things she wants; yet, perseverance is a quality that the Bible tells us to possess.
Because in Luke 11:5-9 tells a story of a man going to his friend asking for bread. The friend tells him to go away because it is the middle of the night and the family is asleep; yet, the man of the house will end up giving anything to the man at the door because of his friend’s persistent. There is also another example, in Luke 18:1-8 where a widow woman cries to a judge to be …show more content…
avenged and because of the widow’s persistent, the judge will do it quickly, and I have found these examples to be true.
For instance, Macie wanted a puppy, and for a year she kept saying, “I want a puppy. Please, oh please, let me have a puppy.” I lost count of all the times we told her, “No!” However, she never stopped begging, despite the numerous times her daddy would tell her, “No, it is not going to happen.” I begged Macie to let it go, but she refused, and remained faithful in her quest.
Furthermore, one day Macie came into the kitchen and looked at me in the eyes and boldly proclaimed, “I am getting a puppy very soon. I have been talking to God about a puppy, and well, I am getting one.” I laughed at her, and said, “Well, I guess God will change your daddy’s heart because I have nothing to do with you getting a puppy.” Macie smiled, “I know. I just wanted you to know that God was going to give me a puppy.
About a month later, I am laying on the bed reading a book when Chad calls, “Come see this Melanie.” When I came into his presents, he holds up the computer which was on a Facebook post for free puppies. Chad asked, “What do you think Macie would do if I took her to get one of these puppies?” I could not believe my ears. Was he serious? The next thing I know Chad had Macie over there looking at the puppies on Facebook and she was crying rivers of joy and thanking God.
Seeing Macie crying and thanking God for answering her prayer was amazing.
I recalled Macie telling me God was giving her a puppy and her faith and perseverance paid off in the end. She loves that puppy and treats it like a baby getting up with it in the middle of the night to answer it cries. I am shocked how well she takes care of the puppy with joy in her heart.
Even though Macie can be annoying with her persistence, I am beginning to see that her perseverance is a strength that I need to admire and not discouraged. Even though I have hated that characteristic about her, it does not mean it is a wrong character to possess. God is for us being persistent. As a parent, it is very easy to try to damage characteristic about our children that affected us. But let’s remember that just because our children have ways and ideas that irritate us, does not mean we should destroy these attributes. Knowing that I do not always think like God, I must remember to always look at what God thinks about my child’s behavior before I try to correct her. I am learning it is not always my child that needs correcting because it can be
In fact, the man who went to his friend’s house in Luke was irritated by his friend, and the women who went to the judge was troubled by her. Qualities of God are often not received and it is my job to teach my daughter to hang on to the God qualities she possess even when they affected me.
Moreover, Macie’s perseverance and faith are two powerful forces from God she has in her life. I am learning from my daughter qualities what I need to acquire. I hope my Macie stays restless in all that she does. If she does, she will stay strong, and be confident in who God has designed her to be. She will trust God in her abilities, needs and wants. By be willing to persevere, she will be unstoppable. I am thankful for the lessons taught by a daughter.