1. What questions could be asked of J.S’s family to help determine the cause of her stroke as thromblytic, embolic, or hemorrhagic (e.g questions to asses risk factors for each type of stroke)?…
The excruciating examination process in which thousands of pressured students who are not fully ready to take an exam, must prove what they have ‘learned’ to aggressive and rapacious examiners, only a minority being selected in the vast marine of shinning students who have just been unchained of the shackles of school work and deadlines? And the rest...? They are left to dry out in the harsh world, to be taunted for doing miserable on that one day, not being given another try. Exams deteriorate us and oppress our very lives making our everyday routine revising and reiterating for an exam that can determine our whole life. The 2 sided pages trap us into our failure, whilst the time ticks at its loudest, making us write nothing but a single letter on a line which finally concludes our end result. Of course if you are to do well, you are fine, but with the ever-changing ruthless mark scheme it’s very difficult to do just well. The pressure put on the fragile mind only gives the tormenter one choice under the stress leading to the examination. To give up! Even the polite and civilised students fall and loose complete confidence in them self’s, feeling like they ruined there only last chance to shine. NO! It’s exhausting having to prepare for an examination when the end result is marked so harshly, it puts the only courage you have down. Masses of tress being removed, the same tress giving us the air we breathe. Papers and papers and pages and pages... all for a single letter on a line, is it truly worth it? Examinations should be banned from the education procedures to avoid any harm it does to the livelihood of a child’s mind.…
In Pride Land that is the habit for the animals of Lion King. The Lion King consist of a ecosystem. That is soon destroyed when Scar (Mufasa's brother) take the position of King. Since King Mufasa died and Simba left, Scar let the hyenas eat all the food source disturbing the food pyramid.…
Biomes are major world ecosystems characterised by distinctive climates, soils and vegetation. Throughout history humans have depended on biomes for their survival, and have modified them to produce food and a wide range of other products.…
In the essay “More Testing, More Learning”, the writer Patrick O'Malley argued the major, infrequent, high-stakes exams work against the best interests of students both psychologically and cognitively. Therefore, he stated that professor should give frequent exams to the students in order to help them learn more. The writer began the essay with an example which is happening normally among the college students—most people did the last minute anxiety about midterm. Many of the students will study all night before the test day.…
This will be useful for my paper to explain and go into detail about the fears of exams from students.…
Normally the strict and large amount of requirements in examination room can create a tense atmosphere for examinees. Not only the layout of the examination room but also the constant monitoring from teachers contribute to some nervousness who has a poor psychological diathesis. Although a little nervousness can help examinees do their best during the exam, over-nervousness may present their mind from recalling and collecting the knowledge. Consequently it is not necessary to be nervous under the external forms of the formal examinations such as put your belongs in the front of the classroom or emphasis the discipline in the examination place, which is only used to be caution for those who want to cheat in the exam.…
What I failed to account for during my preparation was that these examinations were to be conducted in the auditorium of a school where thousands of other students would join me. This was the first time I was appearing for an examination outside the comfort and familiarity of a classroom and this, combined with the fact that I was surrounded by so many people, made me extremely nervous. Furthermore, I failed to time my preparation due to my irregular studying habits, and I also depended on the notes of others and failed to stick with one set of notes. My concepts were greatly jumbled up as a result. The Islamic Studies examination was held first, followed by a gap of a few days and then the Pakistan Studies one. When the Islamic Studies examination started, initially I was focused and was able to grasp the early questions. However, that feeling evaporated soon when I turned over the page, and found that a lot of questions were from the material that I could not revise due to a lack of time. I also ran out of time and could not complete my paper. A look…
Most of the students face post exam blues. It’s mainly faced by them when they have written some important exams which would give a standard to them in their career like board exams, university exams, and entrance exams and so on. They worry after they complete their exams. Worrying changes nothing. Worrying about the past can never change the present or the future. This fear is felt by every person when they are waiting for the results of their exams. This is not a disorder, this is human’s nature. But the thing is we should overcome this. This fear increases our stress level and so we cannot concentrate in our work.…
The events in the text refer to the real world and the author seeks to judge the text subjectively. The text under consideration is a witty and humorous description of such a hard and important thing in students’ life as their final exams. The author shows us the condition of students before, during and after exams, therefore, the aim of the text is to describe the students’ feelings, emotion and preparations for them.…
At the first place, this educational system is responsible for our study which is being damaged. To cope with the system we are try to memorize all he thing and write down on the exam paper. And that leads us in a wrong learning way. But I have to say to sorrow that our teachers and parents like this wrong system. Some of them are persuaded the students to keep themselves with this. So to get marks and pass through the exam students also try to learn in this way.…
I. When the final exams, many student will push themselves to study and do not care about their surroundings.…
teachers.Therefore it is definitely risky to carry on your stresses as the examination is getting…
Preparing for duty(TMA)the great importance;therefore affect the efficiency us,who is also a training and exercise for the final exam which also takes twenty percentage of mark. At first,there ara many things we do when preparing duty(TMA).It is:there must be a computer and network so that we can see it,take a look at it and read it for the first time and take a general idea of it. Then, we try to write the basic ideas that relate to our subject in some of the questions that hard on us answer may resort to google or may we use educational books. At second ,we write our thoughts and our knowledge in the draft.next,we meet a friends to exchange views and ideas.After this,we may need support and assistance of university. At third ,we collected to information necessory we may see things that are not related to the subject or many answers can be summed up and write the necessary and useful to them only. Finally,we must talk about ways of theft and plagiarism and that all this who we talked about earlier could some students do without it.but why and how;they see that giving duty(TMA)to some of the doctors to consideration is easier and better but this is causing damage and great danger for them for two reasons:…
Some students study well but still may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get distracted and won't be able to score marks.So leave all your fears and free your mind before starting the study. You have to be confident and it is the most essential power you should have for attaining victory.…