Is day care beneficial for children under the age of five? Should one parent stay home with children for the first few years of life? Develop a thesis statement about some aspect of the day-care-versus-home issue and support it in your argumentative essay.
Nationally, the employment rate of mothers with children under the age of five has increased throughout the world. If both a mother and a father are employed, who will care for their young children? Normally, some families have chosen In-Home care which lets family members, friends, or neighbors looks after their children. However, child care center that more like day cares, preschools these facilities are usually bigger in space and may be more structured than In-Homes care. Before making a decision, parents should gather enough information to make the right choice for their children’s provider. After all, child care centers can help a child’s development, prepare a child for school, and create positive adult life patterns. A child care center is a beneficial tool for child’s development because they learn social skills and gain an appreciation for education at an early age. Researches have shown that children’s brains grow faster during the first five years of their life. In addition, there are two parts for the first five years of children development: zero to three, and three to five. First part is zero to three year old which the children are learning about themselves, the world around them and about the parents or the care givers. For example, at the time of around 1 year, the babies will begin to learn language and communication by they express their needs and feelings through sounds and cries, body movements, and facial expressions. The caregivers at daycare will watch and listen to see how the babies communicates what the babies is thinking and felling. The caregivers also repeat the sounds and words the babies use and have back-and-forth conversations. As the day care will