When Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492, a new global contact was established that forever altered the civilisations of the world and more so the formation of civilisation of America. Evidently, the exchange was more beneficial for Europe and the world while America suffered through the decline of population as well as being conquered and colonised. The historical documents support this unevenly beneficial relationship by conveying the negative (though with little positive) effects the Spanish occupation had on America while at …show more content…
the same time stating America’s great contribution to the world civilisation.
The Spanish occupation in America was responsible for the dramatic decline in the population with smallpox and measles wiping out the indigenous population almost to the vanishing point by 1540 (Stearns et al.
2012). The first document written by the native informants described in details the enormous and deadly effects of smallpox and that the natives were not prepared for this plague. There was a sense of chaos and hopelessness during the time of sickness amongst the people as “there was no one to take care of another; there was no one to attend to another” (Stearns et al. 2012). On the positive side of the exchange, America’s landscape was changed for the better due to the introduction of animals such as horses, sheep and pigs and plants such as grapes, wheat, barley, and oats. In his selections of reports, Antonio Vazquez de Espinoza, a Carmelite friar, depicts not only the very detailed count of animals and plants in each tribe but also the order and systematic societies which were created as a result of these introductions brought to by the Spanish settlers. Of course, the system contributed greatly to the civilisation of America and helped the natives to utilise their land more effectively but consequently, it created a society based on hierarchy where the natives were at the
On the flip side of the exchange, America contributed potatoes, the staple food for Europe and China. At the time when poverty was sweeping through Europe, Adam Smith stated that “[A]n acre of potatoes will still produce … three times the quantity [of food] produced by the acre of wheat…” (Stearns et al. 2012) to accentuate the importance potatoes in sustaining the livelihood of the poor. The fact that these documents on the importance of potatoes and other American crops were written by famous French and English philosophers and economists of the time further accentuates the underlined competition in wealth and preparation in war between the two countries.
The significance of American crops in China (namely sweet potato) also proved the far-reaching contribution of America. Easy to grow and cheap, sweet potato was used as a solution to famine at the time it was introduced to Fujian in China. However, the reluctance to other American crops described the Chinese nationalism in time of great western expansion and the significance and effects of the Opium wars.
Thus, the Columbus exchange was more beneficial for Europe and China than it was for America. Aside from the much needed staple food, Europe also colonised America and established a new social order whereas America lost a significant number in population and cultural and historical heritage with little again of animals plants. Some could argue that such exchange is needed for the world civilisation however the definition of civilisation, might it be the increase of world population or the introduction of western social systems, can be debated and will forever be subjective.
Stearns, P, Gosch, S, Grieshaber, E & Belzer, A 2012, Documents in World History, Volume 2, The Modern Centuries: From 1500 to the Present, Pearson, Upper Saddle River.