In document D by Diego Duran, it shows spiritual connection because of the hearts, sun, and the gods. Document E also shows spiritual connection because it shows you the Aztec warriors communicating with the gods. The Aztecs believing in the gods is what got them through life. Motive War and Expansion
The final reason for emphasizing Human Sacrifice is motive war and expansion. The Aztecs were great warriors and most of the territories were acquired by force. Some territories were sometimes the results of a policy that unoccupied remain available for the Flower Wars. Flowers were prisoners. This evidence supports emphasizing motive war and expansion because is the “Flower Wars” history would not be the same without it. Without Flowers there would be no sacrifices. The Flowers Wars was made for a reason, without it wouldn’t be the same. Indeed, there are good reasons for emphasizing human sacrifice. For example, Huge Scale, Spiritual Connection, and Motive War and Expansion. However, Human Sacrifice deserves even more attention because of the history it made. Human Sacrifice was a huge part of the Aztec