Injustice, a result of corruption, can subside if corruption in removed. Citizens live in an unjust society mostly because of corruption. According to statistics, two of three Indians experience paying or receiving bribes or using influence to get things done (Source B). Source B’s author also cites their own experience with corruption; they see it as part of everything in India. Corruption also causes the worst of injustices: injustice in the court systems, or the ‘justice’ systems. Katherine Boo, from Source A, witnessed the unfair court case of Abdul, which depended on bribes for him to be set free instead of a fair ruling. These evidence all points towards corruption as the reason for much injustice in India.
Because corruption damages the relationship between the state and the people, it needs to be extracted from the system. …show more content…
Some may believe that corruption, being traditional way of doing things, shouldn’t need to be reformed into new ways. Source C shows how corruption in India goes back to the Independence of India from British rule, defending how India is able to survive so long with corruption intact. Contrary to this, corruption is actually leaving trails of poverty and injustice throughout the country (Source A). By ridding the country of the worst of its corruption, India would be able to give better chances to the impoverished and implement a just justice