GREAT DEBATE (1919-1920): Versailles Treaty and League of Nations. Should the United States ratify the Versailles Treaty and join the League of nations?
Yes. It was long overdue that America break out of its isolationist shell and get involved in world affairs. Ratifying the Treaty of Versailles in the first place could have aided in preventing WWII from occurring and joining the League of Nations would have created an extra safety measure and an easy way for the countries to unite in time of war. Joining the League of Nations would also have helped protect economic interests abroad.
Issue #1: The Treaty. Would the Versailles Treaty ensure a just and workable world peace?
No, not necessarily. While the passage of the Versailles Treaty may have created a temporary …show more content…
The United States would not necessarily be giving up its sovereign power and be roped into all Eurasian matters of war and peace. The US is allowed to vote against going to war or taking military actions using the judgement of the US representative of the council at the League. The Congress back in the US would also have to vote to use force, and unless force was truly deemed as a required measure, then its use would not be validated by the US.
Issue #3: Monroe Doctrine. Would the League permit international interference with American privileges under the Monroe Doctrine?
No. The League would have to respect the Monroe Doctrine as it was the new policy of the world and America’s child. Violating the doctrine of the most powerful nation in the League would surely be a folly on any country’s part. It was assured in the conference in Paris that the Doctrine would remain valid, and certainly those violated the doctrine would endure repercussions from the League. The League itself allowing international interference with the doctrine would be similar to an act of war upon America.
Issue #4: Would the League violate America’s long tradition of “no entangling