Purposes and Requirements:
- The StockTrak simulation game (http://www.stocktrak.com) is an important in that you can get good opportunities to experience a real investment environment. This will be done in groups. - Each group is required to give an oral presentation in the middle of the semester and submit a final written report at the end of the semester.
- You can be registered from the following link: http://www.stocktrak.com/public/members/registrationstudents.aspx?p=InvestmentsChungAng-Fall2014 -
Once you go to the website via the above link, “Enter Class Name” section would be already written as “Investments-ChungAng-Fall2014”.
When you register in the StockTrak, you can just fill out some required sections as follows if you feel cumbersome.
Address: 84 Heukseok-ro Dongjak-gu
City: Seoul
ZIP Code: 156756
Trading Period (10 weeks):
- Begin date: September 25th (Thursday)
Ending date: December 4th (Thursday)
- Each group can make up to 200 transactions for whole period.
Trading Policy:
- Each group members share one account.
- The initial cash balance for each group is $1,000,000.
- For the educational purposes, day-trading is NOT allowed.
- For any single security, the position limit is 10% of the initial cash balance.
- Bonds, stocks, mutual funds, options, and futures are available for the trading.
- Short-selling is allowed, but trading on margin is NOT allowed.
- 28 financial markets are available for the trading.
- For any other trading information, please visit the StockTrak web page.
Midterm Oral Presentation:
- 20-30 minutes for each group
- No need to submit written report.
- Date: November 6th (Thursday)
- In the presentation, you should at least include the following points:
What securities have you bought, sold, or still held?
What is your trading strategy or philosophy?
What information sources have you been using? (e.g.,