Death is personified in this poem as well. Emily Dickenson explains that she simply “could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me” (Dickenson). So, to her death is not vengeful or scary, but kind. The poem continues about how death is driving her past various places. The first being a school which represents her childhood. The second place they past has grazing gain which represents her adult life. Lastly, they watch the sun set which resembles her life coming to an end. All three of those together represent her life flashing before her eyes as they say it does when you do. This poem can relate to a lot of people regardless of religious affiliation and life
Death is personified in this poem as well. Emily Dickenson explains that she simply “could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me” (Dickenson). So, to her death is not vengeful or scary, but kind. The poem continues about how death is driving her past various places. The first being a school which represents her childhood. The second place they past has grazing gain which represents her adult life. Lastly, they watch the sun set which resembles her life coming to an end. All three of those together represent her life flashing before her eyes as they say it does when you do. This poem can relate to a lot of people regardless of religious affiliation and life