The real definition of death is seen as a loss of someone, which is then is followed with thoughts and emotions. In Hamlet, it’s different, death is not seen as its true meaning or as many would see it as not living. In Hamlet, death was more a unique opportunity to reflect on the past and present negotiations between the living and the dead and because of this it has provided the biggest inspiration to this novel. During the writing of this novel the author in his own way used his own definition …show more content…
For death was reflected in Hamlet as a tragedy because “Tragedy also becomes a possibility”(Fly). What this means is that tragedy is reflected in the novel many times , because just like tragedy, death is a time to grieve. In the novel “Death certainly played a decisive role in the definition of early modern identity”(Ghose). Death was seen as a start of a new idea for this Novel and also included tragedy that even some people may use to identify as. Death is reflected in the novel at the start with the death of Hamlet’s father and then later proceeds with the deaths of some of the main characters, such as Polonius and Ophelia(Knight). Then it continues with the ghost appearing throughout the whole novel, which is also another main symbol in the book. The novel uses death to reflect Hamlet because it includes his consciousness of death. For Hamlet the death of his father affected him greatly and even caused him to fake being insane, but that death didn't just stay in his mind but it spreaded and affected his inner soul as well . The main reflection of death, was basically what started it and that was the death of Old King Hamlet, followed with Ophelia's death just to list the main ones. These deaths are important because they show how someone self ambition and guilt is symbolized and how death is reflected as social class