1. Taxpayer dollars are no longer going to support the care for these heinous individuals. Also helps to reduce the overpopulation problems in our prisons.
2. Harsh punishment of this kind would serve as a deterrent for future crimes committed.
3. Peace of mind can be brought to those families devastated by these criminals, with the safety of knowing that these people have no possibility of hurting again.
4. With new technology and DNA testing, we can be extra certain that the true criminal will be put to death.
5. A criminal on death row has a chance to prepare his death, make a will, and make his last statements while some victims can never do it.
1. In reality the cost of the execution process and the many appeals is far greater than a life in prison sentence.
2. The “deterrent” theory is debatable. Serial killers, rapists, molester would rarely consider their potential demise via Capital Punishment prior to committing crimes. Criminals usually operate with the belief they will not be caught.
3. Putting to death a criminal can’t “un-do” the crimes they have committed. Perhaps a better use of funding could be put toward prevention of similar crimes by potential offenders and training Special Forces to detect threats.
4. There is always the possibility that innocents could be convicted and put to death. Many of these people may also be mentally ill.
5. Fear of death does not reduce crime. Crimes are increasing drastically till this day. Criminals see other murderers in the state get away with murder, so they too, can get away with it.