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An argumentative essay Both parents assume equal responsibility rasing a children 1 Introduction A Background infor topic B Thesis statement sentence 2 First argument support thesis A fact B examples 3 Second argument support thesis A fact B examples 4 Counter argument A state opposite argument topic B Refute argument transtion eventhough
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SCHOOL LEVEL: College Senior (4th year)
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WORDS: 597
PAPER #: 15895581
....Both Parents Should Assume Equal Responsibility in Raising Children
One of the unintended consequences of civil rights reforms in the last fifty years has been the gradual weakening of traditional family structures. Divorce rates today are far greater than they were in the past and new forms of family structures such as domestic partnerships have dramatically increased. As a consequence, many children grow up with single parents-mostly with single mothers. Research shows that growing up with a single parent greatly increases the risk of emotional and psychological problems for children. For this reason, both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising children to make sure that material and emotional needs of children are properly met.
Children need the material and emotional support of both parents. When one of the parents pays less attention to children, they start developing symptoms of various problems such as inferiority complex and alienation. For example, in a study conducted in Scotland, researchers found children growing up in broken families were five times at greater risk of