JOEL: Good morning/Good afternoon as the case maybe! The Department of Education is currently facing the issue about —DepEd Order No. 32, series of 2012 (otherwise known as the implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act No. 10157 or the Kindergarten Education Act); and DepEd Order No. 31, series of 2012 (policy guidelines on the implementation of Grades 1 to 10 of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum). These curricula are bombarded with a lot of doubt and questions, not being part of the Department concerned with the implementation of these programs.
The Department of Education’s planned shift to K+12 seeks to enhance the current curriculum and allow high school graduates to specialize and be equipped with skills to enter industry, a vocation or engage in entrepreneurial activity. Though reforms have been discussed since the Unesco Mission survey in 1949, it is only now that definite action on K+12 is being taken to move our education system up to international standards. But this does not end here. The move to K+12 is a gradual process that will need the time and commitment of all stakeholders, especially parents and teachers, because this kind of reform is not focused on one area alone but involves cohesive action from all sectors to address the needs of their communities.
According to some studies and researchers, 10 years of studying is not enough for us to be that ready. That equipped to face all the challenges in life. We are living in this ever – changing world, the reason why we need to be always ready, to be always at our best to face those changes, for us to be fully armed in the time of battle – the battle of the brain, the real battle of life.
But is there really a need to add 2 more years just to make us ready and that knowledgeable enough? Is an additional of 2 more years in education really satisfies the need of Filipino people?
We are aware that many Filipino suffered and still suffering from hunger,