Last year I had a test in physical education and I was required to do high jump. Never been good in sports, I worried that I would fail the test because the pole seemed so high that it is impossible for me to jump over it. Though, I believed in myself that I would beat my fear and jumped over the pole. Unexpectedly, I did the first jump well. Then the height was increased to 1.5 m. My fear got bigger, but to quit at that time would be a loss. Hence, I ran and jumped over it. My heart was beating very fast that time. Then I landed smoothly on the mattress and I felt very relieved. After the height was increased again to 1.75 m I slipped and failed the jump, but I am glad because I had tried my very best and I did not fail that test.
From that point forward, I choose to believe in myself and do my best in everything even though I may fail instead of quitting.