Around deception. Deception can apply to many different things; for example, deceiving yourself by lying to yourself or disguising yourself physically to trick others. Its most common use in Macbeth is lying to others to make them think you are something you’re not. Shakespeare presents deception in this extract by having Macbeth be nervous about the night and feel guilt towards his action. The theme of deception then comes into play when Lady Macbeth says,”Sleek o’er your rugged looks. Be bright and jovial Among your guests tonight. “Her words promote deceptive actions by mentioning to Macbeth that he needs to get the guilt off his face and act happy. This is so
Around deception. Deception can apply to many different things; for example, deceiving yourself by lying to yourself or disguising yourself physically to trick others. Its most common use in Macbeth is lying to others to make them think you are something you’re not. Shakespeare presents deception in this extract by having Macbeth be nervous about the night and feel guilt towards his action. The theme of deception then comes into play when Lady Macbeth says,”Sleek o’er your rugged looks. Be bright and jovial Among your guests tonight. “Her words promote deceptive actions by mentioning to Macbeth that he needs to get the guilt off his face and act happy. This is so