
Decisions In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Decisions In To Kill A Mockingbird
Every decision we make and every act we commit can change our lives. I chose to involve myself in what I enjoy, and apply effort in the things I seek success in. Some characters of To Kill A Mockingbird weren’t enabled to make their own decisions due to their environment. Wether it be a family member, friend, authority figure, decision, or something you are given, it can impact your life and has the ability to change everything you do. The way parents act and teach affects their children more than anything. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus displayed the lesson of fighting for what's right by defending Tom Robinson in a battle that was clearly uphill. By doing this, Scout and Jem were taught to handle their situations in the same fashion. …show more content…
I am very close with Miles Robb, who graduated from Millbrook last year, and am positive our friendship will last a lifetime. Despite the age gap, Miles and I have had the best of times with each other in many different settings. Although we were never in the same building or classes, we had developed such a strong relationship and made choices together; some good, some bad. Dill and Scout were closer in age, however, they affected each other just the same. Dill and Scout performed tricks and strategies in attempt to get Boo Radley out of his house. They would sometimes get into trouble in their activities, which shows the effect friends have on each other in what they say and …show more content…
I can very discreetly remember a time from earlier this year when a certain teacher of ours took something too far, however, was in all power since she is the teacher. I will not say the particular name of the teacher or describe the event too specifically in order to keep her identity a secret. In class she pointed to the group of guys in the room, leaving all the girls alone, and asked us to show her what we had been working on. We were all completely lost, not due to socializing or ‘goofing around,’ but we were just honestly lost. On the spot, she told us to get up in front of the class, after we had already proven we had no idea what we were doing, and show the class. This was clearly unfair and arrogant of her to do. Despite being the youngest of the group, I decided to be the one to speak out. I told her that it was ridiculous for her to single us out on something like this, and after class when she had asked me to speak to her I said couldn’t respect a teacher that didn’t respect her students equally. This situation corresponds to Tom Robinson's case. Tom Robinson was clearly not the suspect, however, since the white men who were controlling the situation did not favor the black man on trial, he was convicted. These are great examples of how some things are not fair, and unfortunately without a change they will remain unfair and

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