Decisive Style
"tending to use just enough data to reach a good decision, then holding to it"
Characteristics: * Uses a minimum amount or Little information (Satisficers)
- Other managers just want the key facts—they’re apt to leap to hypotheses and then test them as they go. Here, the literature borrows a term from behavioral economist Herbert Simon: “Satisficers” are ready to act as soon as they have enough information to satisfy their requirements. They analyze the information available to them and render a decision often based on instinct or past experience.
- Satisficers (are not dumb just like what maximizers are thinking) they just want to get on with things,. They feel a need to keep moving and not spend time overanalyzing things. Their nightmare is to fall prey to “paralysis by analysis”.
- Some reach conclusions from just a few facts. When making a decision it should contribute significantly to your understanding of the situation.
* One course of action or single option (Uni-focus mode)
- Amount of alternatives identified when reaching decisions
-“Single focus” decision makers strongly believe in taking one course of action. Single-focus people put their energy into making things come out as they believe they should.
- Faced with any situation, they usually have a very specific criterion in mind, such as cost, quality, or fairness, by which they will evaluate any potential solution. So, they usually will find a solution that stacks up best according to their criterion or goal.
-When faced with a situation calling for problem-solving, some people typically come up with one specific solution that they feel is the best or most feasible for the situation. We call this the uni-focus mode.
* They are ready to spring into action to implement the solution or to get on with the next problem/ When in Decisive mode, people generally want to make decisions, put