Mongol Compare and Contrast While the Mongols’ political influence in China was more dramatic in the short term, the Mongols actually influenced China less than they did Russia, which labored under a longer Mongol influence for centuries. Economically though, the Mongols had a far reaching impact on both Russia and China with many positive effects including inprovements with trade. The political impact of Mongol rule was much more significant on China than it was on Russia. China lies just south of Mongolia, and was ruled directly by the Mongols. By great contrast, Russia was a cold, more resource-poor area that was ruled by a number of independent rulers. The Mongols did not rule them directly but rather, once they had defeated them, let them be so long as they remained under Mongol control and paid taxes to the Mongols. The Mongols allowed them to continue to practice Christianity and let the rulers maintain their status in most respects. In China the Mongols defeated the imperial armies and established themselves as direct rulers. Civil service exam became less important and Mongol rulers taxed the people heavily. The Mongols exerted much more influence over Chinese sovereignty, culture, and policy than they did over the Russians. Economically, the effects were similar. In both regions, the Mongols taxed the entire the population heavily. The tax was comparable in amount and served the Mongols similarly. At the start of the Mongol invasions there were huge Mongol rule, however, did benefit the whole region. The Mongol empire established a network that allowed for easier and safer long distance trade, with respect to goods, technology, and ideas. The downside to this was the bubonic plague, which the Mongols helped spread. It began in China, but it was largely the Mongol mail system that helped bring it to many parts of Russia, so in this way Russia did suffer as a result of Mongol rule whereas China would probably have suffered either way.
In conclusion, the Mongols had many effects politically but collectively China was effected more but influenced less due to Chingges Khan's fascination with Chinese customs. Also effects felt in both Russia and China economically, positive and negative, were amplified in China but diminished in Russia.