Deep Tissue is a type of massage therapy. The factor that sets this type of massage apart from others is the fact that its sole purpose is to reach deep into the layers of muscle and the tissue around the muscles.
Deep tissue vs Swedish massage
When receiving these two massages, at first, they may seem very similar. That being said, they do have their difference.
The deep tissue and Swedish massage both begin with strokes along the body putting pressure on certain muscles. This is used to prepare the muscles and relax the individual so they are not tense during the massage.
While a Swedish massage is great for general relaxation and other health benefits, deep tissue has a much more specific goal.
This goal is to break up the scar tissue and break down muscle …show more content…
Deep tissue massage techniques
While the Swedish massage uses about five techniques throughout the massage, the deep tissue massage only uses two. These two include:
1. Friction- this process applies pressure to muscle adhesions to release them. It may also be used to realign muscle fibers
2. Stripping- This method uses different parts of the body such as the elbow, forearm, or knuckles to get deep into the muscles and tissue.
Deep tissue benefits
Many chose the deep tissue massage because of pain in their backs or other areas. While this massage is great for body pain, it can also bring a number of other benefits. These benefits include:
1. Reduce chronic pain
2. Improve blood pressure
3. Relieves stress
4. Rehabilitates muscles
5. Breaks up scar tissue
Improving blood pressure is one that many people do not think about. During a study, it was discovered that after a deep tissue massage that lasted at least 45 minutes, many people’s blood pressure had dropped. It was also discovered that it reduced their heart rate along with their stress hormone