Most people think of massage an indulgence rather than as a complementary, therapeutic treatment. While a massage can be a very enjoyable experience, it can also be a helpful treatment for your chronic joint pain. Depending on the cause of your joint pain and the length of time you’ve been living with the condition, you may find many benefits to adding massage therapy to your treatment plan.
How does Massage Therapy Work?
Massage therapy is generally used to reduce pain, improve circulation and flexibility, and lower stress levels. Massage eases pain and improves your circulation by increasing the blood flow to your stiff and sore joints and muscles. Massage signals …show more content…
Hatha Yoga is a generic term associated with the teaching of physical poses. Generally, a Hatha yoga class will give you an introduction to some of the basic and most gentle yoga poses.
Lyengar Yoga is a yoga style that focuses heavily on getting the alignment in a pose just right. In Lyengar yoga, you will often work with supportive aides, such as chairs, blocks, blankets and straps. It is generally the yoga style most often recommended for people living with an injury or a chronic condition.
Power Yoga, Bikram and Hot Yoga are Yoga styles that involve some very difficult poses, like head stands, deep bending, lunges and stretches. These more extreme types of poses put you at a greater risk of falling and injury.
Talk to your doctor first about any limitations caused by your joint condition and take yoga lessons from a yoga instructor who has training and experience in working with people with joint conditions. Always advise your yoga teacher of any physical limitations before class begins so that he or she can offer you modified poses as