Yoga is more than just a physical exercise. It is designed to be a meditation tied in with relaxation of the body and mind. The history of yoga is split up into four periods: the Vedic Period, Pre-Classical Period, Classical and Post-Classical Periods. In the Vedic Period, yogic teachings came from the Vedas, a collection of hymns which praise a divine power. From these praises, certain rituals and ceremonies were incorporated into stretches and the relaxation of the mind. The Pre-Classical Period’s yoga depended on the Upanishads, a book of scriptures that the people of India followed. This type of yoga focused on three subjects: the ultimate reality, the transcendental self and the relationship between the two. Today, this is where the main focus of modern day yoga derives from. In the Classical Period, a book called the Yoga Sutra was written to establish and define the standards of Classical Yoga. These standards were based upon what was important to be faithful and loyal to a divine lord. These standards included: social restraints or ethical values, personal observations of purity, tolerance and study, physical exercise, breath control or regulation, concentration, meditation and ecstasy. The people believed that an individual is composed of matter and spirit, and that in order for the spirit to be cleansed, the two components must be separated. Later on in time, the reason for yoga slightly changed. Not only was it done for body and soul connection, but it started to become a reason to be immortal, strengthening the body as a whole for longer life.
Post-Classical Yoga focuses more on the present. As from before, yoga strived to liberate a person from reality, whereas now it teaches one to accept it and live in the moment. Once yoga was introduced to the West in the early 19th century, Indian philosophers modified the Classical Period’s standards of yoga to the Five Principles of Yoga, which included proper relaxation, proper exercise, proper breathing, proper diet and positive thinking and mediation. All of these characteristics have been the basis of modern day yoga.
Yoga is a form of exercise that incorporates slow movements with stretching. It increases flexibility and balance as well as relieving stress and relaxing. As one exercises, they should meditate on what the body is feeling and try to be one with the universe. This type of exercise is based upon a strong foundation of proper breathing and balance. Even those who are not extremely flexible can gain the same relaxation from a session as long as proper breathing is used. Yoga is composed of different positions that stretch the body and loosen up muscles. It also helps improve balance and once again breathing. Without proper breathing in yoga it is very easy to pull a muscle, have a muscle cramp or fatigue quickly.
This is a benefiting group exercise because even though it is the comfort level of the person to stretch as far as desired, but it also provides different modifications and options of positions that are more complicated, giving a challenge to those who want it. It also helps one stretch different areas of their body that they may not have knew about stretching before, or just adding a new stretch to their routine. The breathing technique is also quite benefiting since it enables deep breathing that relaxes the mind and body and aids in the teaching of controlled breathing and strength. Lastly, after completing a yoga class, the body experiences an out of body experience, where the body is so relaxed and so stretched that it feels as if it has just come from a massage. This increases blood flow throughout the body and causes it to relax in a natural way.
Even though there are many benefits, there are many possible complications. Once can be cramping of muscles. Without the right technique of breathing muscle cramps can often occur. Breathing deeply and controlling the inhale and exhale helps relax the body and clear the mind. Without this, one can make their body work overtime and exhaust themselves quickly throughout a session. Also, since there are many positions that tend to have a strong stretch, pulled muscles is also a common injury in yoga classes. It is important to stretch thoroughly before starting any class.
Yoga classes are typically very well planned. The disadvantage to this is that normally week long classes have a set schedule. When there is this kind of frame on the classes, the difficult level increases class by class; thus, it is harder to just jump into a class whenever desired. These types of classes are designed to be taken as a whole, increasing in difficulty level as the classes go on. Another disadvantage is that not all yoga classes are run the same. There is a huge variety of instructors who have their own style, so it is harder to find one comfortable type of yoga. Some instructors emphasize the stretching aspect of yoga, and hold out positions for a longer period of time which can put more stress on those who are inflexible. Other instructors emphasize on the balance and breathing aspects, showing a variety of different positions in a shorter stretch time frame. A majority of people who take yoga classes usually prefer this method due to the length of stretching in the other method.
Yoga is a great way to relax and bring the body to peace. It is especially benefiting after a long day at work, school or day in general. Yoga sometimes even helps with sore muscles, just don’t overdo it. With how much yoga can help a person, I find it to be an exercise that everyone should try to incorporate into their lives.