As the opening scene progresses, the mood changes from upbeat and brightly lit to sombre and dark. The setting sun, signalling the end of the day, is symbolic for the ending of a life in the form of Chuyia’s husband’s death. The music changes to a dark and tense note when Chuyia’s husband dies. A close up camera angle is used to capture the image of the tragedy that strikes her husband. A close up shot of Chuyia’s feet shows all her …show more content…
As Didi takes Chuyia to the train station where Ghandi is for a short time, a close up camera shot of Chuyia’s face shows her crestfallen expression after previous tragic events she was forced to endure. At the train station, a wide camera angle shows the many people who have turned up for the chance to see Ghandi. Using this camera angle, we are able to see that many of them are dressed in the regularly reoccurring colour of white in the film. In this case, the white represents purity and rebirth. As in the beginning scene of the film, the music is powerful and hopeful as the train departs from the station and Didi hands Chuyia over to Narayan who has boarded the train. Ghandi is symbolic as a chance for a new start for those who need it and Didi believes the best place for Chuyia to grow up is with those who support Ghandi. A close up of Didi’s face illustrates her heartbreak as she says goodbye to