1. Define Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).
I would describe ABA as not only the study of human behavior, but the use of reinforcement procedures to bring out appropriate behaviors while withholding reinforcement for inappropriate behaviors that we would like to see decrease.
2. How is ABA different from Behavior Modification? Discrete Trial Teaching?
Parents and teachers can increase behaviors that we want children to have and decrease the behaviors that we do not want in many ways and this process is called behavioral modification. Behavior modification uses techniques (e.g. punishment, reinforcement, extinction, shaping) to effectively modify a child’s behavior.
ABA uses behavioral principles (e.g. …show more content…
In order for any behavior to be maintained it has to be reinforcing, therefore punishment is not going to be effective and does not work in changing behavior. So, ABA does not involve punishment unless in extreme special circumstances when it is done with very specific parameters by professionals.
The third myth is in order for a child to be successful the child must need 40 hours a week of ABA therapy, but this is false. Research has shown that children with the minimum amount of hours of ABA therapy make progress and gains, yet it depends largely on the child, intervention intensity, and how well trained the ABA therapist is in applied behavior analysis.
The fourth myth talks about how some people think that significant progress of children come from a controlled clinical setting, but this myth, like the others mentioned before, is false because ABA promotes generalization of behavior. The ultimate goal is to maintain the behavior that has already been taught by which the behavior is generalized across different people (e.g. mom, dad, teacher, grandparents) and settings (e.g. park, school, restaurant,