Hour: 6
“I don’t like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them.” The feeling of being let down after you’ve tried so hard, sucks. Don’t give up so easily; be loyal to the ones you would want to stay with you. A loyal friend is someone who you can trust completely and know that he or she will never stop being your friend. Being loyal may end up hurting you, help you find your true friends, or teach you the true meaning of being loyal. First, the definition of loyalty means to be faithful to one’s oath, commitments, or obligations. The word loyal originated from the Latin word Lagalis, meaning legal in Latin. The reason I say that being loyal can hurt you is because you don’t really know who will backstab you …show more content…
The reason i say this is because when i am loyal to my friends and family, i expect to receive the same amount of loyalty back. Your true friends would not backstab you or talk behind your back. They will always be by your side no matter what and they would never stop being your friend. These friends are the hardest to find nowadays since everyone is always leaving eachother in the end. It is hard to find a friend that will stay by your side through hard times. It may sound selfish but I believe that everyone deserves to have a friend like that. The friends that are not loyal to you will either end up hating you or end up as a stranger. You would not be able to face or talk to the same person as you did in the past. I would say that its a good thing because you never know if they would do the same thing to you again. Its most likely that they would because thats how the brain works. You tend to repeat the same things you do and never realize it even if its good things or bad things. This is the key point in being loyal. As i said, it is important to find the friends that you know will stick, no matter what happens or what you go