types of stressors, Distress and Eustress.
Distress happens when people experience unwanted stressors. Eustress is the positive impact of a situation and it can change a person’s surrounding. Take the culinary field as an example, someone who works hard recieve positive feedback. If their performance exceeds the manager's expectation there is a possible promotion. With that new promotion, a few things might change for the person. More responsibilities are added which might trigger the stressors, especially,- if the situation is not handled right way.
The physical problems due to stress are fatigue, sleep deprivation, chest pains, nausea, and heart palpitations. Fatigue and sleep deprivation are my biggest issues when it comes to the physical components of stress itself. Now that heart palpitations has come into play, I need to reduce my stress levels before it becomes worse. Moving on to fatigue and sleep deprivation, on average I get at least 3-5 hours of sleep a night. Even when I try to “sleep-in” on my days off, it’s impossibile. With my “body clock”, it’s hard to sleep more than five hours because my body is so used to the “early bird” habit.
Emotional stress can be another problem for people as well. People who are constantly under stress experience anxiety, depression, anger, fear, irritability, and frustration. These emotional symptoms can affect the person's performance when it comes to their job or education. Sometimes, dealing with all of those emotions at once, can affect their personal life as well. It might be taken out on the wrong person, their significant other, or family. Dealing with these emotions can end in tragedy as well. I tend to be irritable and frustrated majority of the time and it’s taking a toll on me. As for depression and anxiety, those are two things I try to ignore as much as possible. My irritability and frustration stems from my workload and I have a habit of carrying those emotions throughout everyday life. At one point in time, I was prescribed anti-depressants just to suppress my emotions, “feel good about myself”, and focus more when it came to work and school. I’ve kept this secret from family and friends for about a year or so and honestly, it wasn’t that difficult to do. When I began taking anti-depressants, I started with a high dosage. With the high dosage, there were some pros and cons. Yes, I felt good about myself and I was able to focus more. However, everything visually seemed to be in slow motion and I couldn’t catch up. In other words, I like the way the medication made me feel, but, as for the physical aspect, not so much. So, I tried to slowly weaned myself off the medications and it was a difficult process. At that point, I felt like a time bomb and any little thing can cause me to get angry. During my lowest point, I decided to get back on medications, but this time, a lower dosage. With the lower dosage, from the mental and physical point of view, I was able to deal with whatever was thrown at me. However, I slowly weaned myself off and it’s been eight months without it. When things get difficult, I think of getting back on them, just to suppress how I feel about any situation at that time. Also, with my hectic schedule, I can’t pretend to be happy especially if I am physically and mentally exhausted. Even though may be physically and mentally exhausted, I have the antidepressants to show that i am not either of those things for a short period of time.
Moving on, the mental symptoms can include memory, decision making, and concentration.
I understand life is too short and “too much stress” can kill me, but, it’s not something I can just put on the back burner. Mental stress can also cause someone to lose their sense of humor and happiness. They can go from this bubbly personality to this unknown and depressing person the next. Mental stress can really affect those who tend to be happy all the time with just life in general. One psychological factor that I know so well is pressure. The bad thing about pressure is that it can really be exhausting both physically and mentally. A few examples are buying a new home, getting married, having children, and work promotions. The saying “work well under pressure” can have a bad outcome. T person can have a negative outlook on everything and can affect the person’s creativity, which may not end well. With pressure comes aggression, this causes a person to cause harm or destroy anything in their way physically. Frustration can lead to aggression, but, it depends on the situation itself. I have “displaced aggression” meaning, whatever I have going on and school or work, I left my anger build up and later I take it out on people who do not deserve it. Do I beat myself up about it? Absolutely. I don’t like feeling this way or taking it out on others. It’s something I really need to work
There are many ways to cope with the different types of stress. Physical exercise can reduce the stress level and keeping a journal can help with venting your emotions. For physical exercise, I like to do intense cardio and maybe a few Zumba classes. There’s something about those two that makes me feel good physically and mentally. I like to Taking “breaks” for all social media, work, and even family can help. The minimum I need is about three days and i’ll be back to my normal self. Reducing your workload and sleeping more can help with stress as well. I try to take a power nap usually on my off days for at least thirty minutes. Find a hobby that suits you and you will feel like calm person. So, which one will you use to help cope with stress?