Hello it's me Francine and I’ve been waiting all these years to graduate from high school and finally that day is approaching. I am a girl , who makes mistakes,who laughs,loves,cries and smiles the list goes …show more content…
Well everyone has their own definitions of what it means to them. The dictionary definition is a feeling or showing pleasure and contentment. Happy is what you make it for yourself, the definition is almost never the same throughout your life because as you grow as a person, it can change and I have seen that in my own life. When I was younger , I defined happy as having all the toys I wanted and candy, I was happy if my parents gave me money for the school supply store, they had every Friday at vinal so I could buy myself those little cell phone erasers. When I was younger being happy was about all the materialistic thing, but I have learned that does not really matter. Today, I define happiness as having fun in your in your life and being able to laugh and smile,being content with what you have,seeing the joy that comes from all the beautiful things in the world. That is how I define happy today who knows how I will define happy in the future, it could be the same or could