The developmentally appropriate practice for Health, Safety and Nutrition prepares students from early childhood through a group of basic information and theory, practices, and requirements for establishing and keeping safety, healthy learning environment and good nutrition through the training of children to pay attention to their health and their nutrition and safety.
Definition of Development appropriate Practice :
The definition of developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) is “ a framework of principles and guidelines for best practice in the care and education of young children, birth through age 8.”( ) An institution interested in the search for a way to develop children's thinking and learning and the effectiveness of education they have. These principles support children's learning and development (2).
There are Three dimensions of appropriateness must be considered:
Age appropriateness :
Is the sequence in child growth and changes that we can predict in the first nine years. These changes occur in all the characteristics of child cognitive, physical, social and emotional. And from that teacher must choose what is the appropriate for the child age . (2)
Individual appropriateness:
Every child has his own personality that distinguish him from other children and every character different from the other through the learning styles, family and past experiences. Children learning will be through interaction between the child and his environment (2) Cultural and social context appropriateness:
Children come from different environments and communities and not isolated from a small rooms. It is important for adults teachers to have a background for these communities and they have some knowledge of social and cultural contexts in which children live.
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Guidelines for DAP:
Following are the five basic guidelines for developmentally appropriate practice:
1.Create a caring community of learners.