The door that is open is closest to the dresser on the left this door is glass but the glass is painted over with a light blue paint the same color as the wall in the room. But the trim of the door is a darker blue with a gold luster classic door knob with a simple push lock. The crease within the door has burnt orange outline with a red on the other side of the crease there is deep red color. The closed door on the right is a grey green color that has a glass window within it, this looks like a door that could be at my grandmothers a little out dated and somewhat dangerous with kids that is surprising that Adolf Dehn included this type of
The door that is open is closest to the dresser on the left this door is glass but the glass is painted over with a light blue paint the same color as the wall in the room. But the trim of the door is a darker blue with a gold luster classic door knob with a simple push lock. The crease within the door has burnt orange outline with a red on the other side of the crease there is deep red color. The closed door on the right is a grey green color that has a glass window within it, this looks like a door that could be at my grandmothers a little out dated and somewhat dangerous with kids that is surprising that Adolf Dehn included this type of