Einstein, the famous scientist, one said, "Dictators of genius are succeeded by scoundrels.”[i]
Hitler’s rule in Germany shows how long dictatorship lasts. Dictators when in power, usually opt for violent ways of controlling the people, which eventually causes people to take a stand against them and results in their tormenting death, like Hitler’s suicide.
Democracy on the other hand is a rule where the needs of the people are considered over the wants of the ruler, and thus it tends to prosper far longer than dictatorship. With freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom of lifestyle prevailing, the citizens feel satisfied and contended with the ruler they choose. Since, it’s the people themselves that choose the best ruler; they have no face to complain when the ruler fails to meet their expectations. Alternatively, the liberties the citizens enjoy in democracy give them a platform to voice their complaints, majorly through media. Whereas in dictatorship, citizens are forced to act like puppets, with no right to criticize on the way country is being governed. As Aristotle rightly said, “If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the