Democratic government guarantees freedom of thought, action and speech. Hence it allows the individual to grow freely. The citizens has interests in country affairs, and what their representatives are doing. The voters’ misjudgement in casting votes may not elect the best men. The illiterate people especially fails to understand that elections are usually a matter of propaganda. "Nine people out of every ten", says Carlyle, "are fools", and citizens who are not sufficiently intelligent or educated are likely to misjudge while voting. But in democracy unity of action is essential. In a multitude of minds, much unprofitable discussion may takes place.
On the other hand, in dictatorship the government is ruled by an individual or a small group of people. "One bad general", said Napoleon "is better than two good ones". It helps in coping with emergencies for prompt and effective action. The dictatorship certainly has its merits. The power resides with dictator. It is safer only if dictator has an exceptional ability to organize, direct and administer. Parliamentary rule is usually a government by a group of politicians. The politicians may have their private interests. The dictatorship has an advantage here if a dictator can concentrate all its energies on the uplift and improvement of the country. The phenomenal success of Hitler and Mussolini in their respective countries is explained in world history. "My programme", said Mussolini "is action, not talk."
Unfortunately, the dictatorship methods are ruthless. Dictatorship employs force and violence to maintain itself. It resorts to physical compulsion, prisons, intimidation etc. The history of Russia and Germany witnesses countless executions for the stability of dictatorship. Its demerit is that there can be no freedom of thought or speech. The support of people is retained by an Intensive propaganda, as was done in Hitler's Germany. It doesn’t allow any political opinion.
Dictatorship hinders the free development of the human personality. The greatest danger arises when the dictatorship is biased to use war as an instrument of national glorification/expansion. Practically every dictator preaches war because of his personal ambition and he also suffers