Citizens do not directly vote on specific issues or make ultimate decisions. Rather, the citizens will elect officials they believe represent their views well and, majority willing, that official will win. An example of this would be electing the President or members of Congress in the United States. Within that, states also elect local and state officials to represent them. The elected persons for particular positions should be aware about the problems and the popular opinions about those problems for the people they represent. This system was created as a foundation for representing the citizens of America rather than founding a direct
Citizens do not directly vote on specific issues or make ultimate decisions. Rather, the citizens will elect officials they believe represent their views well and, majority willing, that official will win. An example of this would be electing the President or members of Congress in the United States. Within that, states also elect local and state officials to represent them. The elected persons for particular positions should be aware about the problems and the popular opinions about those problems for the people they represent. This system was created as a foundation for representing the citizens of America rather than founding a direct