My Role
My daily role is as an assessor, who is based at individual places of work. Due to this the resources I need are taken with me on a daily basis, I do have the facility to book rooms for tests and discussions.
I prepare my sessions in advance. It is important that I provide an effective structure for all sessions that promote the students learning. Ensuring lesson plan are completed in full and that all the following questions have been answered:-
What do the students already know?
What do I want them to have learnt by the end of the session?
Do I want to identify an overall learning aim for the session?
How do I intend to enable them to achieve this?
Are the learning outcomes SMART
To teach effectively involves many factors that go before the session starts and after the session ends. This includes the planning, preparing resources and materials, assessing students and evaluating how I as a teacher deliver.
Identifying Needs
This can be achieved either in a group or individual setting. As part of my role I identify needs by completing a initial assessment of the students. This is done by each individual completing a application form and also a document called a skills scan. These documents help identify the best award to place the learner on, and also through discussion with the student and their manager any areas for development.
Also each individual will complete the basic skills initial assessment tests, application of number and communication these assessments highlight any additional support that may be needed, the support is conducted using the basic/key skill builder books.
My boundaries are limited depending on what kind of needs the student requires. I am currently studying for my specialism in literacy, so if extra support was required for application of number I would ask a colleague
Bibliography: Ann Gravells ,2008 (Preparing to teach in lifelong learning, 3rd edition, page 7). Oxford Brookes University. Theories of Learning (Internet) Available from (assessed: 23/12/09)(laird 1985)(skinner 1974) QCA, NVQ Code of Practice, pages 4 and 5