Here is a series of tray set ups for some of the more usual dental procedures.
Every operator is different and the tray set ups need to be customised for the operator.
Keep tray set ups simple.
Also shown are some of the corresponding bench set ups that need to be prepared for specific purposes.
Tray 1: Examination
Periodontal probe
Patient card
Pencil for charting
Intra-oral camera set up ready to go
Hand mirror for patient to view mouth
Tray 2: Prophylaxis and fluoride treatment
Mirror, probe and tweezers
Hand scaler and/or ultrasonic scaler tip
Rubber cup
Suction tube
Prophylaxis paste in ring cup or disposable dish
Gauze squares
Cotton rolls
Fluoride trays or pellets and disposable dish
Fluoride solution
Model for oral health instruction
Tray 3: Amalgam restoration 1
Mirror, probe and tweezers
Spoon excavator
Flat plastic
Amalgam plugger
Amalgam carver (every operator has their favourite)
Ball burnisher
Locking tweezers
Suction tube
Tray 4: Amalgam restoration bench
Amalgam gun
Dappen dish
Matrix retainer and band
Dycal applicator
Wedges (where necessary)
Amalgam capsule
Cotton rolls
Articulating paper with holder
Lining material
Tray 5: Amalgam restoration 2
Amalgam gun
Dappen dish
Matrix retainer and band
Dycal applicator
Wedges (where necessary)
Amalgam capsule
Cotton rolls
Articulating paper with holder
Lining material
Tray 6: Composite / GIC restoration
Mirror, probe and tweezers
Spoon excavator
Plastic instrument – temple or Teflon
Flat plastic
Locking tweezers
Tray 7: Composite / GIC restoration — bench 1
Suction tube
Pellets or sponge applicators,
Articulating paper
Dycal applicator
Mixing pad
Restorative material
Tray 8: Composite / GIC restoration — bench 2
Suction tube