PSY350: Physiology Psychology
May 6, 2013
Depression Depression in children is mainly in children when he or she is medicated, it is very common for depression to be unrecognized. Risk factors always include a family history of depression or even a poor school performance. Acknowledging children who are unrecognized should be evaluated. The risk factors also would be reduced and with problems like school failure and suicide would be less (November 15, 2000). Children and adolescents with depression cannot get better on their own; they must have some help with treatments and medications.
Depression in children can cause serious difficulty in their academic lives because of the effects on their concentration. The effect can come from acting out, serious delinquent behavior, sexual promiscuity, pregnancy, and substance abuse (Pediatr, Ann). As an audience viewing children’s behavior it is known that children depression is different from another child on a normal daily basis. Children emotions are developed in a numerous ways, and the child can become sad on so many levels (WebMD). There are three major depressions are dysthmic disorder, bipolar disorder, and major disorder. Dysthmic disorder is characterized by chronic depression, but with less severity than a major depression (Donald J Franklin). An individual with the dysthmia disorder often can live a normal life but from time to time, he or she can believe they are depressed. Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that has categories of mood disorders, or mood swings, which are defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormal elevated mood. Sadness can be persistent but just because someone is sad does not mean they are depressed. A child can be disruptive behavior and start to interfere in different settings such as school, family life, or even in social life (WebMD). The depression in children usually are not properly identified, evaluated, and treated.