CW2 Ganley is a disciplined and professional Soldier who selflessly serves to support the mission. He upheld high standards of conduct and made decisions in the best of Soldiers and the Army. Above all, CW2 Ganley developed a culture built on trust and transparency and supported SHARP, EO, and EEO programs and policies.
CW2 Ganley represented the prime power battalion as a subject matter expert in many pivotal roles. Derek acted as a liaison to the pentagon for an emergency support mission, he worked alongside Fort Belvoirs’ Department of Public Works, and he worked with civilian contractors for company projects, ensuring they provided a quality product.
CW2 Ganley revamped the Battalions Validation process for Forward Base …show more content…
Derek deployed a power plant that supplied medium voltage power to a waste water treatment plant, combining training with real world situations. He designed and installed the ground grid and shore power in the Company's new motor pool.
Rater Comments:
Derek has consistently been counted on to lead Company projects, and to perform as the Company’s Executive Officer at times. His performance is easily within the top 10% of officers whom I have served with during my career. He has had a positive impact on Company missions, and will continue to be a true asset for the Army.
Senior Rater Comments:
Incredible performer, displaying superior leadership and technical expertise in every mission that is assigned to him and his platoon. Derek has the initiative and drive to support and improve upon projects within the Battalion. He displays the potential to serve in CW4 positions and would make an outstanding CW3. Promote immediately to CW3 and send him to the Warrant Officer Advanced Course at the first opportunity. Select for assignments that take advantage of his superior leadership and technical