There are many things a traveler will need to know about Costa Rica before going. Costa Rica is located in Central America known for its lush tropical rainforest, and beautiful beaches. While packing travelers need to know that temperatures tend to …show more content…
During the dry season November thru April the country, as a whole, is set up as a tourist wonderland. From a relaxing day at a five star spa, to a horseback ride along an active volcanic range, to ziplining through the rainforests travelers will find numerous activities to fit their desires. Someone can try horse riding and cow herding at a working ranch (“Pura Aventura, El Guapote” 1). The adventures traveler will find soaking in the hot springs near the base of Arenal (an active volcano). The National Park offers viewing of endangered sea turtles as they nest, hiking trails, coffee plantations, and sheltered beaches.
Popular annual events include Fiesta Palmares in January with horse parades, bull fights, concerts, and the Afro-Caribbean event with fireworks, and parades, as well as Fiestas de Zapote in late December or early January celebrated with rodeos and carnival rides. Locals say that the main highlight of the festival is bullfighting (“Palmeras Fiestas” 1). One of the most popular festivals is at Easter celebrated with parades by the perdominitaly Catholic