Last Summer, I visited Costa Rica on a kayaking trip with Falling Creek, a summer camp in Tuxedo, NC. Every year, 20 or so kids get invited to the program called HUCK, where you go kayaking in places around the world. Last summer, all of the kids that were invited went to Costa Rica where we would have a great time experiencing new culture and great whitewater. The First few days were great and those were some of the most powerful, best rivers I have ever kayaked.
On the morning of the fifth day of the trip, we headed to the mighty Pacuare River where all of us would have one of the worst days of our lives. We drove three hours on a bus to the top of a mountain, two and a half miles away from the river. This was the closest road to the river, but this river was said to be the best whitewater around. We had to carry our 45 pound boats a mile …show more content…
We started hiking through a big pasture in all of our wet, cold kayaking gear. After an hour of walking through the pasture, we ended up walking into the jungle which gets thicker the deeper you go into it. It was a very steep hike and we had to cross over two cliffs where we would have died if we had slipped and fallen. I was at the back of the pack of people trudging through the jungle, so it was very muddy and slippery. All of us were slipping and grabbing anything to stay up, and you would usually be grabbing a thorn vine and tearing up your hand. After two hours of trudging through the jungle, we still could not find the campsite, so we circled back around and found a old abandoned farming cabin to sleep in that night. Everyone on the trip thought we would die in that jungle because it was so dangerous. The next morning we went back down to the kayaks and paddled down the rest of the muddy river to the campsite. The Red Cross came the next day and also we made an appearance on multiple Costa Rican