The conditions children had to work in to help their family were unacceptable.
A. Children had terrible punishments at work.
1. They would get a beating or have their pay docked if they made the smallest mistake.
2. In the factories, if the children got tired and stopped working, they would get dunked in freezing water.
B. Adults took advantage of the working children.
1. Adults would give children lower pay than the adults.
2. Since children were smaller, adults could put children in more dangerous conditions (like cleaning the bottom of machines while they were running).
III. Almost all the jobs children had were dangerous.
IV. There were many …show more content…
These are just the most dangerous jobs that children had to endure
2. There were many more jobs children could choose from, but almost every single job had the risk of injury or death
B. There was usually one main reason why children worked.
1. They needed to work to help their family survive.
2. Usually the entire family would work.
V. One job that children would do is coal mining.
A. Some jobs that children could do in the coal mines are: being a Getter, Trapper, or Hurrier.
1. In the coal mines, if the children are a trapper, they had to sit in the dark all day in wet clothes. (What Jobs Did Children Do Underground?)
2. The most dangerous job in the coal mines was being a Hurrier, because the cart they were pulling could crush them.
VI. The coal mines were very dangerous.
VII. None of the jobs were fit for children.
A. Many disasters in the coal mines killed many people, including children.
1. There were no precautions taken in the mines to make it safer.
2. Some of the dangers were explosions, cave-ins, rock falls, and floods.
B. Other dangers are diseases.
1. Some of the diseases are: Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, silicosis, and more.
2. Most of these diseases can be fatal if not treated right …show more content…
There were terrible effects from being a chimney sweep.
1. Children could get Chimney Sweep Cancer (or Cancer Scroti), have skin or eye irritation, get carbon monoxide poisoning, and more.
2. It was not uncommon for children to get stuck in the chimneys and suffocate.
X. There were several different kinds of factories that children could work in
XI. Working in factories was just as dangerous as working in coal mines.
A. Factories were incredibly dangerous. 1. The machines in the factories were not equipped to shut down in case of an accident. 2. It was very easy for limbs to get caught in the moving machines.
B. There were different types of jobs to do in factories, all of them dangerous. 1. One job in factories that was only for children was being a scavenger, where they would crawl under the machines while they were running to get loose pieces of thread or cotton. (Children and Cotton) 2. Another job in factories was being a piecer, where they had to clean the machines. while they were on.
XII. Child labor was exposed after many years.
XIII. The ending of child labor meant a new beginning for so many children.
A. Exposing child labor wasn’t