Describe The Different Ways Of Working In Health And Social Care Analysis
There are many different ways in which you can directly work with Children. During a child's life from birth up to the age of 18 , children can come into contact with many different professionals that help support them. These are health professionals such as midwives, health visitors, paediatricians; education professionals such as nursery workers, key workers, teachers and others professional like social workers. These professionals come together and share a common goal for children and young people. Their role is to look out for the health and welfare of children, safeguarding those from harm. Another integral part of their role is to share information between agencies/professionals to ensure they are collaboratively working together and
aiming for the same common goal.
Professionals who work directly with children and young people play a vital part of providing services such as health and education. They also provide a wide range of resources and services to their families. It is important that the collaboration of these services protect vulnerable children and families with the 1989 children’s act backing up rights and law to help protect children and young people, also guiding us as professionals to safely work directly with children, young people and their