1. Private troubles can become public issues when there is a problem that has moved from a micro level to a macro level in society. This means that personal problems can start to affect a small number of individuals and their immediate relations. When the number of individuals who have the same problem rises on a larger scale, and it impacts on more than half of society, it then becomes a public issue. An example of this could be a massive company who went into liquidation, causing a whole workforce to become unemployed. There may be people who have spent all their working life in that job, therefore have no other skills or experience to get another job. When these issues are discovered the government make policies and legislation to try to resolve it, these are called social policies.
The New Labour government felt it was necessary to introduce a New Deal policy. The aims of this policy was to help people back in to work, and gave individuals the opportunity to attend courses to gain new skills. It was there to assist individuals, who are on benefits, to make the switch from a dependency on the State to independency through work. New Deal Policy also ties in training with employment, in order for individuals to achieve long term employment and progression within a chosen industry.
2. There are a number of influences that have major parts to play when creating social policies. An example of four of those influences could be professionals, political parties, pressure groups and The Human Rights Act 1998.
Professional workers within the social care services have an important role to play in shaping social policy. They are in a position to speak with authorities about any issues relevant to the specific field they work in. An example of this could be a professional doctor who criticises the cuts in funding of the NHS. The doctor is more inclined to be taken seriously since he deals with patients face to face and can see the