The importance of professional knowledge and practice with in the role of a social care worker is so that they can be kept up to date with all the changes. Within the health care profession all staff must be proactive and focused in their roles, with an ever changing of legislation and minimum standards, it is important that training and the ways of working are kept up to date.
Each person within the team should been given an opportunity to develop further within the company, if this mean that they attend further training, then this should be part of the company’s policies and procedure. A company can only be as good as the staff they employ.
If the company wishes to progress to the heights of being the best, then each person who is employed within the company should have the same vision and to strive to that vision. Each member of staff should have a CPD, this will help them to progress and gain promotion within the sector that they work an d it increases the chances of employment.
Barriers that could block the potential professional development is that if the care that is provided by the company falls short of what the they are expected to do.
The lack of finances where the cost has to be met by the company, if there were a lot of staff who need be trained at the same time, it could be difficult to release all staff at once. Or there may be a problem in general with staff shortages.
It could be that the lack of supervisions and appraisals are not met so the company will not know if any member of that team require training. Which means that the manager does not give encouragement to its staff.
Sources and systems that are available for support with professional development are libraries and the internet and other team members. the sources that I have access to is the internet. Other sources can be found in external training, such as college courses, work based learning and distance learning. Most people have