
Describe The Importance Of Following A Direct Order Analysis

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The importance of following a direct order

Last night at final formation the company was directly told from, “The BAD GUY” to put our phones up before we went to sleep. This was just a simple task that should have been too easy to follow, right, wrong after lights out I was laying in bed not talking on my phone but I was still fumbling around with my phone trying to set my alarm, which was wrong because in the back of my mind I knew all I had to do was just leave the phone alone. Now this order was just something that could have been avoided by just putting my phone in my locker.
Although this situation leading up to being as sensitive as disobeying a direct order was not that major of a problem it would have been too easy to just put the phone up and go to sleep. I
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Like in the situation of being in the FAB twenty minutes away from an Iraqi strip club and the owner there has been letting your team come in and drink cheap all night, but your Platoon SGT gave the direct order to stay away from the club and not to drink while on duty, because of possible IED’s that would be on the way…and what the team didn’t know is that a few days earlier that same owner was visually caught from a recon stashing possible explosives in his 97 diesel Mercedes. So now a few days later…. it’s the weekend baby, the team is getting restless and want to get out the FOB even if it was just for a few hours…. One of the privates decides to get his boys from the team and go anyway even thought his Platoon SGT said not to leave the FAB without permission! So during his six hour fire guard he and his team dip off and go to the club anyway. Now the team is in the club getting drunk partying have a good time not really being able to pay attention to everything that’s going on and they start to lose their edge. The owner see that their too messed up to control themselves…blame it on the

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