BTEC Level 2 First Business Assessment Resource Pack
Sample learner work and assessor comments
Commentary for tutors
Sample learner work and assessor comments follow for the assignment A1 Local businesses and industry sectors (P1, P2, P3, M1, M2). This unit of work introduces learners to the world of business. All of the target assessment and grading criteria for this assignment have been met (P1, P2, P3, M1, M2). This assignment is one of three assignments. The other two assignments would need to be completed before an overall unit grade is awarded. The learner has been asked to produce four case studies about different businesses. They have chosen three locally based businesses and one which is in their local area, but is considered a national business. These fact sheets cover the assessment criteria for P1, P2 and P3. The learner has followed the structure in the assignment brief and has provided detailed information about each business. They have incorporated relevant images for each business. For each fact sheet the learner has covered: the purpose the activities the ownership the size and scale links between the ownership, size and scale the industry sector local and national examples of the business. Learners should be given freedom to choose businesses for the fact sheets, but they must be aware that some primary research may have to be undertaken to gain sufficient information about smaller local organisations. The second sample of work focuses on the difference between two of these businesses. This piece of work covers M1. The learner has compared two contrasting businesses looking at their purpose, activities, ownership, liability, size and scale. The final sample of work looks at the changes in different industry sectors (M2). This builds on what the learner has covered in the fact sheets. The learner has researched the changes in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors on both a local and national scale in order to