Her smart appearance and warm, friendly expression make people love her. She is a smiling woman with twinkling blue eyes and soft, brown hair. She is exceedingly beautiful, with an athletic build or a slim body. Although she dresses simply she always manages to look elegant and attractive.
Jolie is a positive and lively person who generally has an invigorating, inspiring, and energizing effect on others. Boredom or staying anchored in old habits is not a problem for Angelina Jolie since she has numerous interests and the energy to pursue many of them. However, she definitely has the tendency to overextend herself without taking the time to regroup or to move on to new things before she finishes previous tasks. Angelina can burn out by being involved in too many activities. Angelina Jolie seems impelled to be always in motion, as if she were afraid if missing out on something interesting "out there". In addition, Angelina Jolie has strong feelings for other people and the capacity to aptly communicate her creative ideas.
Jolie has a very busy lifestyle because she is a good actress and film director, also caring mother and goodwill ambassador of Union Nations. She adopted 3 orphaned children from different countries. She has her own 3 children as well. In addition to her work with the UNHCR, Jolie uses her public profile to promote humanitarian causes through the mass media. Jolie has also regularly