Describing the different types of abuse 1. Physical abuse – This is causing someone physical harm, for example hitting, pushing, slapping, kicking etc. 2. Sexual abuse – Any form of sexual activities that a person has not or cannot give consents to or have been forced into, for example rape. 3. Emotional/psychological – This is causing some mental distress by using verbal abuse, threats, humiliation, control and intimidation. 4. Financial abuse – Taking people’s money goods or property without their permission 5. Institutional abuse - Services that fail to recognise the rights of service users and offer a poor quality of care or which tolerate ways of working which cause harm to vulnerable people. 6. Self-neglect – Failure of an adult to take care of himself/herself. 7. Neglect by others – When an individual is denied their basic rights and is given inadequate care.
Signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse
Physical Abuse: * Unexplained injuries * Unexplained burns, cuts, bruises, Marks * Flinching when approached
Sexual Abuse: * Withdrawn * Not wanting to be touched * Unexplained injuries to genitals * Overly sexualised Behaviour or language * Genital soreness or infection
Emotional/Psychological Abuse: * Lack of concentration on difficulty in focussing * Overly anxious to please * Loss of skills or abilities * Withdrawal * Agitation * Depression
Financial Abuse: * Suddenly unable to pay their bills * Unexplained lack of money * Being extra protective of money and possessions * Sudden unexplained withdrawal of money from accounts.
Institutional Abuse: * Inadequate equipment to support care given * No care or support plan * Inability to make choices or decisions * Agitation if routine is broken * Shared possessions in a residential setting.
* Dirty or dishevelled appearance * Medication taken