Principles of Safeguarding and protection in Health and Social Care.
1. Knowing how to recognise signs of abuse
1.1. Define the different types of abuse
There are many different types of abuse that are usually classifed in 5 main headings. These include:
Physical abuse is the act of a person making contact with someone to intentionally caus pain, harm or injury
Sexual abuse is forcing sexual contact or bhaviour, towards a person who doesnt give consent. In some cases people are deemed unable to consent due to age or mental health.
Psychological abuse is where a person is subjected to mentally stressing situations whic causes motional distress. Abusive realationships are a prime example of psychological abuse where there is an imbalance of power and the abuser has control.
Finanical abuse is where an indvidual tries to take control or gain access to anothers finanances illegally and without the persons consent.
Institutional abuse is the mistreatment of a person within a care environment. Usually due to lack of staff training and unacceptable standards of service.
Self - neglect
Self - neglect is where a person does not care for their basic needs, such as their basic hygine. People who self - neglect regularlly put themselves at risk of harm or place themselves in dangerous situations.
Neglect by others
Neglect is where a person responsible for the care needs of another fails to meet their needs. This is usually because they do not relise the importance of giving the care that is needed or they choose not to.
1.2. Identify the signs and symptoms associated with each type of abuse.
The potential signs for physical abuse can include:
Fractures and dislocation multiple bruising in well-protected areas of the body scratches or cut pressure ulcers, sores or rashes black eyes or bruising to ears welt marks scalds or cigarette burns a history of falls, injuries